Title: PAN DIASPORA - Data initiative for the analysis of racial and ethnic health inequities in the Pan American region.
Granting agency: CIHR
Period: 2 years
Amount: $382,500
This work aims to 1) Examine the current data collection practices on race/ethnicity in the region; 2) Evaluate the use and scope of population-based race/ethnicity data in the context of major health outcomes inequalities in the region; and 3) Generate practical and technical guidelines for the collection, utilization, analysis, and interpretation of race/ethnic data in the Pan-American region.
Yazmin Sanchez, Andrea JF. Ferreira, Yasmine M. Elmi, Dennis Perez, Dandara Ramos, Diego I. Lucumi, Celine M. Goulart, John W. Jackson, Claudia Y. Perea, Randy L. Grillo, Emanuelle Goes, Ana F. Ortigoza, Diana Higuera-Mendiata, Khardjatou Marianne Djigo, Vanessa Melo-Ferreira, Marelys Martinez, Arjumand Siddiqi, Sharrelle Barber, Mabel Carabali.
Data Initiative for the Analysis of Racial/Ethnic Health Inequalities in Latin American and Caribbean countries: Protocol for a series of Scoping Reviews
28 March 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4022730/v1]
Bashir H, Ferreira A, Ortigoza A, Carabili M, Ramos D, Slesinski C, Goes E, Barber S.
Making the Invisible, Visible: Race, Racism, and Health Data, Lessons from Latin American Countries.
The SALURBAL Project, the Ubuntu Center, and the Pan-DIASPORA Project. Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health; January 2023.